KAB Heike Weber und Walter Eul

Bloomberg NYC 2016

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sonic, Bloomberg LP, NYC

sonic, Bloomberg LP, NYC

sonic, Bloomberg LP, NYC

sonic, Bloomberg LP, NYC

sonic, Bloomberg LP, NYC

sonic, Bloomberg LP, NYC

sonic – Bloomberg LP – NYC

Floor drawing for the foyer of the media group Bloomberg LP, Parc Ave office building, NYC

The starting point of the drawing is a multitude of circles that seem to spread out concentrically like sound waves, with the following line referring to the previous one in an exciting way. The drawing is created insitu and I create an organic structure that overlaps like an interference pattern. The result is an illusionistic drawing that seems to visually break up the rigid boundaries of space and thereby also becomes physically effective in that the work irritates and changes the usual parameters of spatial perception.

The decisive factors for the experience of my works are the space and the movement of the viewer in the space. Space and movement as a condition for physical experience are fundamental to me.

The concentric circles – one of the oldest ornaments ever handed down by man – are all unique and intersect each other with different radii.

The "hand" drawing – transferred into a high-quality material, illustrates various associative aspects of people and their relationship to each other in this place, where people create orders for our coexistence. It forms a nice metaphor for the function of the building.

Direct invitation from Bloomberg LP, Heike Weber 2016